Aspiranet's Intensive Home-Based Services provide mental and behavioral health support at home, at school, and with the entire family.
Intensive Home-Based Services
About Aspiranet's Intensive Home-Based Services
Aspiranet’s Intensive Home-Based Services (IHBS) are provided to families who are struggling with long term complex issues. Families are challenged by issues like homelessness, unemployment or underemployment, substance abuse, mental health, domestic violence, poverty, etc. The majority of these families have received a number of other services that have not been able to help families resolve their problems. The youth we serve have significant behavioral issues that impact this youth’s success in their family, school, and community. Caregivers often need support in strengthening their parenting skills, knowledge of child development, and advocacy skills. Family relationships have been strained and a history of trauma is present for many. Aspiranet’s IHBS programs center around a team approach that provides intensive support and services where they are most needed – in the family’s home, school, and community. IHBS services focus on the identified needs of the family and youth. The clients served in these programs are among the highest risk youth in our communities. Families have often given up hope by the time IHBS support is made available.
Youth in Aspiranet’s IHBS programs may have been involved in the legal system as a result of their ongoing struggles. These youth are often placed in foster care. Many clients have mental health diagnoses.
Aspiranet's dedicated, professional staff works with the youth and their families to address the stigma and behaviors that impact their day-to-day lives. Aspiranet's goal is to have youth be successful and fully included in all areas of their lives.
Click the video link to hear about Aspiranet's Intensive Home-Based program
Aspiranet’s IHBS program teams operate as a social service SEAL team.
Each team works with a small number of families and youth, allowing them to provide intensive support and services to our clients. The Aspiranet team includes a highly-trained Social Worker who leads the group and manages services provided to the client and family; a Parent Partner who has experienced similar challenges and services and works directly with caregivers to improve their parenting skills and knowledge of child development as well as serve as a parent advocate; a Support Counselor who works directly with the youth on identified goals; and may include a Therapist who works with the family and youth to address previous trauma and identified mental health issues. Aspiranet IHBS programs have a no reject, no eject policy which results in us not giving up on youth and family.
Aspiranet’s IHBS programs identify each family’s and youth’s strengths and successes. The staff helps families to use these strengths to tackle their current challenges. This is a very effective way to engage our youth and families in taking on their issues. At the end of services, the family and youth have strengthened five protective factors that have been identified as needing to be present in all families so they can thrive and eliminate the risk of abuse and or neglect. Parents have a richer understanding of child development and increased parenting skills, they have identified concrete supports they can use in times of need, they have stronger social connections that enrich and support their family’s lives, have improved resiliency and their youth are socially and emotionally on target. These outcomes result in youth being successful in their family, school, and community and parents being prepared to support their youth’s challenges and successes.
About Aspiranet's Family Focused Support Network (FFSN)
Aspiranet’s Family Focused Support Network (FFSN) provides home-based mental and behavioral health services for youth that have intellectual disabilities. Working closely with the youth and their family, the FFSN program provides tangible, direct solutions to an array of disruptive behaviors and issues that impact daily lives, including:
Poor hygiene
Power struggles
Communication barriers
Developmental milestones
Concurrent mental health issues
Aspiranet’s FFSN program provides services where the family needs them, in their home and community. The FFSN team consists of a Developmental Supervisor, a Social Worker, and Intervention Specialist and the family themselves, who are integral to every step of the program. The clients served by Aspiranet’s FFSN program can range in age from 3 through 35 years of age. There are 3 phases of the program (low, high, and team) that provide appropriate levels of support based on the needs of the youth and their family.
With an 85% “graduation rate”, the lives of over 300 families in the Bay Area have been dramatically improved thanks to Aspiranet’s FFSN program. Each situation is unique, which is why Aspiranet’s FFSN program incorporates direct collaboration with the family in every case.
If you believe your family would benefit from Aspiranet’s intensive FFSN program, ask your child’s Regional Center Case Manager to be referred, or call your community-based FFSN program directly at 925.753.2156.